Consultancy Registration Form
Province :
Select Province
Province 1
Province 2
Bagmati Province
Gandaki Province
Lumbini Province
Karnali Province
Sudurpashchim Province
District :
Select District
Gender :
Enter Your Name :
Enter Contact Number :
What Kind of Job You Would Like to Get in Japan?
Select job you like to get in Japan
耕種農業 (Cultivation agriculture)
畜産農業 (Livestock agriculture)
林業 (Forestry)
漁船漁業 (Fishing boat fisheries)
養殖業 (Aquaculture)
さく井 (Well drilling )
建築板金 (Building sheet metal work )
冷凍空気調和機器施工 (Freezing and air conditioning apparatus installing )
建具製作 (Fixture making )
建築大工 (Carpentry)
型枠施工 (Frame working)
鉄筋施工 (Reinforcing bar construction)
とび (Scaffolding)
石材施工 (Building stone construction)
タイル張り (Tiling)
かわらぶき (Tile roofing)
左官 (Plastering)
配管 (Plumbing)
熱絶縁施工 (Heat insulation)
内装仕上げ施工 (Interior finishing)
サッシ施工 (Sash setting)
防水施工 (Waterproofing)
コンクリート圧送施工 (Concrete pressure feeding)
ウェルポイント施工 (Well point construction)
表装 (Paper hanging)
建設機械施工 (Application of construction equipment)
築炉 (Furnace installation)
缶詰巻締 (Can seaming for canned foods)
食鳥処理加工業 (Poultry processing industry)
加熱性水産加工食品製造業 (Marine Heated fishery processed foodstuff manufacturing work)
非加熱性水産加工食品製造業 (Non-heated fishery processed foodstuff manufacturing work)
水産練り製品製造 (Fish paste making)
牛豚食肉処理加工業 (Beef and pork processing industry)
ハム・ソーセージ・ベーコン製造 (Ham, sausage and bacon making)
パン製造 (Bread Baking)
そう菜製造業 (Ready-made meal manufacturing work)
農産物漬物製造業 (Agricultural pickles processing)
医療・福祉施設給食製造作業 (Meal processing for medical and welfare facilities)
紡績運転 (Spinning operation)
織布運転 (Weaving operation)
染色 (Dyeing )
ニット製品製造 (Knit goods manufacturing)
たて編ニット生地製造 (Warp knitted fabrics manufacturing)
婦人子供服製造 (Ladies’ and children’s dress making)
紳士服製造 (Tailoring men’s suit making )
下着類製造 (Underwear manufacturing)
寝具製作 (Bedclothes making )
カーペット製造 (Carpet manufacturing)
帆布製品製造 (Canvas product making )
布はく縫製 (Cloth sewing )
座席シート縫製 (Seat product sewing)
鋳造 (Casting)
鍛造 (Forging)
ダイカスト (Die casting)
機械加工 (Machining)
金属プレス加工 (Metal press )
鉄工 (Iron work )
工場板金 (Factory sheet metal work)
めっき (Electroplating)
アルミニウム陽極酸化処理 (Aluminium anodizing)
仕上げ (Finishing)
機械検査 (Machine inspection)
機械保全 (Machine maintenance)
電子機器組立て (Electronic equipment assembling)
電気機器組立て (Electric equipment assembling)
プリント配線板製造 (Print wiring board manufacturing )
アルミニウム圧延・押出製品製造 (Aluminium rolling , extrusion product manufacturing)
金属熱処理 (Metal heat treatment)
家具製作 (Furniture making)
印刷 (Printing)
製本 (Book binding)
プラスチック成形 (Plastic molding)
強化プラスチック成形 (Reinforced plastic molding)
塗装 (Painting)
溶接 (Welding)
工業包装 (Industrial packaging)
紙器・段ボール箱製造 (Carton box and corrugated card board box making)
陶磁器工業製品製造 (Industrial manufacturing of pottery )
自動車整備 (Automobile repair and maintenance )
ビルクリーニング (Building cleaning management)
介護 (Care worker)
リネンサプライ (Linen supply)
コンクリート製品製造 (Precast Concrete manufacturing)
宿泊 (Accommodation)
RPF製造 (Refuse derived Paper & Plastics densified Fuel making)
鉄道施設保守整備 (Railway facility maintenance)
ゴム製品製造 (Rubber Product Manufacturing)
鉄道車両整備 (Rolling stock maintenance)
木工加工 (Wood processing)
Do You Know Japanese Language?
Yes 有
No 無
Name of your Educational Institution
Email ID :